An asset to the Netherlands, or to the whole world, the first green department store full of beautiful brands and an even more beautiful mission. Yesterday TOMO (is the abbreviation of tomorrow) opened its doors to the press, and I was invited to admire the store for the first time while enjoying...
In 2021 I had a special visit from two ladies who came all the way from the U.S.A. to my studio for a portrait. Not entirely true, because they were in Amsterdam on a study trip… 😉 But they took the morning off to come to my studio. I thought...
And the winner of my Instagram giveaway is Sara @thethrifthippy, congratulations!!! Hope you’ll enjoy the bag as much as I would! 😉 On the 1st of June &Bloom is one year old! One amazing Instagram year for my “beautiful journey into aging“””, full of amazing women with inspirational stories. And...

This community originated from my love for photography, fashion, lifestyle, and consciousness. After I turned 40 I started to miss inspiring websites with coolness and authenticity towards aging.