
This is Steffie (68); she crossed my path through an acquaintance of Dayenne.

We asked her for a portrait, and she came to my studio without really knowing what to expect but with great enthusiasm. Can you believe her age? Healthy living and lots of sports have done her very well.

Tell us what you’d like us to know about yourself:

First of all, I am grateful for who I am.

I love to travel, I like sports, good food and shopping on time. I also enjoy life with the beautiful people around me.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Because I  am a sports enthusiast, I talk about my greatest sports achievement.

And those are the 25 marathons that I have run in different countries. I’ve seen a lot of the world through running.

Can you tell us a bit more about the current “black lives matter” revolution from your perspective?
First of all, I want to say, all lives matter. But we are focused on the Black Lives right now. Because we wouldn’t have to have Black lives matter if we hadn’t had years of Black lives don’t matter. And pro-black doesn’t mean anti-white!
What’s on your nightstand?

On my nightstand, there is a glass of water when I get thirsty at night.

What would you say is the strangest thing about becoming an older woman?

Aging is a natural phenomenon, I don’t think it’s strange to get old. Besides, you are as old as you feel. For me, age is a number, nothing more.

What’s the one thing you most hope for personally in the coming year?

What I hope for most is staying healthy; health is the greatest wealth one can have.

Strangest recent middle-of-the-night thought?

I am hardly ever awake, I usually sleep in the middle of the night.

What would you advise young women?

Don’t regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many!

Latest Google search.

I couldn’t tell you for sure. I am very eager to learn, so I often search on Google and not one specific thing in particular.

Favorite thing to do when no one is around?

When I am alone, I like to relax and spend quality time with myself.

What is your current age?

Age is an issue of mind over matter, if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.

This community originated from my love for photography, fashion, lifestyle, and consciousness. After I turned 40 I started to miss inspiring websites with coolness and authenticity towards aging.