Karen Persson

As we age, we all know that our skin ages, as well. We must be proud that we’re aging, with lives full of wisdom and experience.

Of course, it’s essential to focus on the joys of life and not on the skin becoming less supple, getting more wrinkles, and muscles losing firmness. We must be happy that we’re healthy and are enjoying life. I’m very blessed with being healthy and having wonderful people in my life. I love my work as a fine artist, and I enjoy working part-time for Apple. I’m proud of being able to say this at age 70. I feel much younger than 70.

As I recall, the skin on my face started getting fine wrinkles in my 30’s. When I was a kid, I remember my auntie had tons of wrinkles, and she put very greasy cream (cold cream) on her face, which enhanced the wrinkles! As I age, I see myself resembling my mother, aunt, and grandmother.

When I reached menopause, approximately age 50, I noticed that my skin suddenly developed more cellulitis (horror ?). Plus, my super slender and firm stomach suddenly became more flabby. That’s when I decided I needed to join a gym since just doing yoga or jazz ballet once a week wasn’t enough.

Going to the gym several times a week, running, and doing Bootcamp in the forest weekly has helped my body keep healthy and strengthen my muscles. I mainly follow yoga and Body Pump (weightlifting) classes at the gym. I recently noticed at the gym while doing a lesson that my upper arms resemble an older person’s arms! In my daily life, I cycle to get around the city. 😉 

As for my face, of course, I know I can have my eyes lifted and use botox or fillers, but I feel okay with how I look up to now. I notice a few more brown spots developing on my face, hands, and arms as I age. But, hey, I’m healthy! That’s what’s important!

To keep my facial skin healthy, I use Natura Bissé skincare, and I use good body lotion for my body. Furthermore, I have a nutritious diet, mainly vegetarian or vegan, and occasionally drink a glass of wine or a cocktail.

Of course, I would prefer having perky breasts like when I was 18, but at least I’m grateful I’ve never had breast cancer; my mother died of bowel cancer a few days after she turned 69. So I’ve now outlived my mother and father, who died at age 67.

My abdomen has a long scar right at the bikini line from the two-three surgeries on my fallopian tubes to try to become pregnant. The Dalkon shield (IUD) I had used some years before had caused my fallopian tubes to become infected, causing infertility.

About eight years later, IVF was possible, which I tried twice, unsuccessfully. Sadly my wish to become a mother never came into being, but life has been incredible nonetheless. My four (now only three) brothers have 11 children and ten grandchildren, so I’m Auntie Karen to a couple of beautiful kids.

Makeup: Xiu Yun
  1. My goodness, this woman just shines with self-knowledge, wisdom and grace. Grace comes from knowing who you are; accepting the truth, liberation from the masks and pretence of youth. Finding peace is not easy. Society doesn’t want us to age — or be wise. A woman of middle age who knows her mind, trusts and appreciates her body and follows her heart — she is almost a revolution. Bravo!

    1. Thank you so much, Suzanne! What beautiful things to say! I really appreciate that. I am definitely fortunate that I’m healthy, fit and have a wonderful life with all I do, but I have worked on it. Being positive and loving is very important in life! ♥️

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This community originated from my love for photography, fashion, lifestyle, and consciousness. After I turned 40 I started to miss inspiring websites with coolness and authenticity towards aging.