
Today a portrait of beautiful Herma (91). Her daughter, Trudy, approached me a while ago to tell me about her amazing mother. Trudy had told Herma about my project, on which she had indicated that she wanted to contribute to a beautiful portrait.

Herma’s energy was a huge inspiration and I am so proud she wanted to be part of my project. A few days after our photoshoot, there was an envelope in my mailbox at home. A handwritten letter from Herma. She wanted to thank me, and my team, for the unforgettable afternoon, a whole new world had opened up for her in my studio. In addition to the questions I had sent her earlier that week, she also wanted to add something by letter.

I would like to give the following message to the younger women who follow you;

Listen to the other, be interested, do not judge someone to quickly, embrace them with love. Of course, you are disappointed sometimes, but try to turn things around, ask yourself why you are dissatisfied. Sometimes the issue lies with you and not with the other.

And, when I became a widow, 31 years ago, I started to do all sorts of new things alongside my family, I had 4 children. Among other things, I learned to bridge, I went to the theater more regularly, and I started volunteering. My advice to all women, continue to enjoy your life and invest in the people around you.

Tell us what you’d like us to know about yourself. 

I am a very positive older woman that loves to watch detectives on BBC1 like Midsomer murders.

What would you say is the strangest thing about becoming an older woman?

That for my age I am very healthy, I still drive my own car, do my groceries, I do online banking, and I play bridge.

What are you Most Proud Of?

I am happy that I have excellent contact with my children and grandchildren. I am also proud that I am good looking and that I do not have that many wrinkles.

Listen to the other, be interested, do not judge someone to quickly, embrace with love.
If you could tweet something to your younger self, what would you say?

I would tweet that you need to take care of older people. And to be kind to each other.

Strangest recent middle-of-the-night thought?

That I will meet a good looking older man.

Current Crush?

George Clooney.

What is the hardest thing you have ever done?

The funeral of my man.

What Do you Regret Most?

When I was young, I was not that assertive, I regret that. It had been nice if I was more assertive like I am now.

If You Had a Warning Label, What Would It Be?

Keep distance, bites.

What’s the one thing you most hope for personally in the coming year?

Staying healthy and meeting someone I can spend some time with.

How old are you?

I am 91 years old.

This community originated from my love for photography, fashion, lifestyle, and consciousness. After I turned 40 I started to miss inspiring websites with coolness and authenticity towards aging.