END OF YEAR journal prompts

Hello darling,

The end of this year is in sight, and what a journey it has been! As we approach the final days of 2024, let’s take a moment to pause, breathe, and reflect together.

I’ve encountered powerful questions that help us put the year into perspective to honor everything we’ve experienced, learned, and loved. These questions invite us to pause before the new year begins, to appreciate what 2024 has meant to us genuinely, and to dream about how 2025 could be even better.

Shall we answer them together? Let’s look back with gratitude, laugh at the beautiful moments, and embrace what could change or grow. Reflection is a gift we give ourselves—and who knows what new insights or clarity might emerge?

So, grab your journal, a cozy cup of tea, or simply some quiet time for yourself, and let’s dive into these prompts. Let’s honor the year before it’s gone and set the stage for a beautiful, intentional start to 2025.

I wish you all the love, joy, and magic for the new year ahead. Here’s to us—learning, growing, and stepping into 2025 with open hearts.

Are you in? 💛

  1. One sentence to describe this year.
  2. What is different about this year compared to the last?
  3. List all the things you’re grateful for about this year.
  4. What made you laugh the most this year?
  5. Reflect on this year. What was the key theme?
  6. What’s the most important thing you learned this year?
  7. Write a letter to your younger self from the start of the year. What message do you have for them?
  8. If you could change one thing about this year, what would it be?
  9. Who or what surprised you the most this year?
  10. Which area of your life received the most attention this year? Which received the least? What lead to this imbalance?
  11. What would you do differently or change if you could re-live this year?
  12. What was this year’s primary energy? Did you like it? Why?
  13. Reflect on your last 365 days. What patterns do you see?
  14. This year’s most memorable experience…
  15. What color(s) would you use to describe this year? Why?

With love from Miami,


  1. Rest when you need it. My lesson for the year is to enjoy rests and live in the moment. Stop doing things that don’t enrich your life and fill the gap with things that bring joy. Bring on new adventures, travel to new places and grow family relationships or friendships. Move more in different ways and create spaces to do hobbies and interest. Be myself

    1. Sound absolutely wonderful Jules. ✨ Thanks for sharing your insights with me. Much love and I wish you all the best for 2025, may all you wishes come true. Love Dee

  2. The more accept and apreciate myself the more beautiful i feel.
    The older i get the more i need tocherish myself in order to feel good..

    1. Thanks so much for your message Insta, I feel the same! Isn’t it great? ✨ Love Dee

  3. Dear Dee,
    It was surprisingly good to answer the questions on the End of the year journal prompts. Thank you for the challenge.
    Wishing you all the best for 2025 ✨🥂

    1. How wonderful you got inspired Sara! I wish you all the best for 2025! Much love ✨ Dee

  4. Thank you Dee and other beautiful beings ✨️ Just sitting down and finding time and reflecting on my 50th year properly,was lovely 🧡 2024 has filled me with gratitude. There have been many highs along with a few lows. I am learning to say “No” politly to the things that I felt obliged to do, and would sacrifice my precious time.
    Dee you are the most beautiful person and I am inspired to be more bold with clothes 💖 and also embrace my beauty ✨️ Wishing you and beautiful crew a wonderful 2025 🍾🥂

    1. Thank you so much Kirsty for sharing YOU with US. Your 2024 sounds like a beautiful one. I hope 2025 will bring everything you hope for and more. Thank you for being a friend. Love Dee 🧡

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This community originated from my love for photography, fashion, lifestyle, and consciousness. After I turned 40 I started to miss inspiring websites with coolness and authenticity towards aging.