I work as a project manager in mental healthcare with mentally challenged people. Many people are being excluded from our society...
I am originally Irish but have enjoyed living in the beautiful Netherlands for over 40 years. So I was born...
Best/worst things about getting older? The only thing I don’t like about getting older is that there is less time...
I work as a senior lecturer, consultant, and coach. Since I love to inspire, especially women, I started an Instagram...
Tell us about yourself. I’m a 53-year-old WOMAN … who’s navigating middle age on her own terms! I’m the mother...
Tell us about yourself! Hi! I’m Lou – a 52-year-old British woman who’s just returned to the UK after 8 years...
Losing my mom has had an enormous impact on my life. She was 50 when she died; I had just...
I am Petra. I am 66, and I have a husband, son, and daughter whom I love very much. My...

This community originated from my love for photography, fashion, lifestyle, and consciousness. After I turned 40 I started to miss inspiring websites with coolness and authenticity towards aging.